Local Year 5 Children Enjoy the Epsom College Experience | Epsom College
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Local Year 5 Children Enjoy the Epsom College Experience

This week, a selection of local junior and prep school children were welcomed to Epsom College to enjoy a range of academic masterclasses.

Over the course of this week, the children had the opportunity to learn more about specific subjects including languages, science, history and geography.

Epsom College is one of a few schools offering this opportunity to local schoolchildren and our teachers enjoy leading them as much as the children love attending them. Not only is it a lot of fun, the children leave having learnt many new things during their sessions. They get a real taste of what life is like as a pupil at the College.

Our modern languages sessions introduced pupils to French, German and Spanish. The children learnt some new words and phrases, sung a German song, discussed Spanish food and developed their knowledge on the upcoming Olympics in Paris.

The science sessions asked the pupils to choose which of three planets they thought the human race should relocate to, based on the results from their exciting scientific experiments in areas such as gravity, ecosystems and climate. 

In history, pupils were asked to vote for the worst British monarch of all time (along with having the surprise opportunity to meet one) and, in geography, the children developed their knowledge of building earthquake-proof buildings.

“Thank you so much for hosting the masterclass this morning. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and have come back buzzing,” said one teacher.

Another teacher commented: “We were made to feel really welcome, and everyone had a fantastic time.”

Our thanks to the teachers who prepared fun and interactive sessions and to the schools for visiting us.