Looking Ahead at the World of Work Evening | Epsom College
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Looking Ahead at the World of Work Evening

On Tuesday 12 February, Epsom College hosted the World of Work evening to give current Fifth Form pupils insights into various career options, ranging from Finance to Engineering, Law and Medicine.

OEs, parents and friends of the College generously gave their time to introduce pupils to their respective fields, with the pupils proving to be an appreciative audience. Such was the success of the evening, that our pupils have asked for future events to be extended in order to give them insights to an ever wider array of careers and professions. At the time of writing, three Fifth Form students have already secured work experience with speakers who attended the evening.

The Speakers

Mr Max Austin (Forest 2007-12) Politics (Parliamentary Researcher)
Mr Theo Gibson (Robinson 2007-12) Finance (Lending Analyst, Monzo Bank)
Mr Samir Amin (Robinson 2006-11) Law (Barrister, No5 Chambers)
Mr Ian Hargrave (Rosebery 1973-77, Former Parent) IT (Retired Finance Director of own consulting business)
Mr Phil Mitchell (Granville 1982-84, Current Parent) Medicine (Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, St George’s)
Mr Martin Morris (Robinson 1977-82) Property
Mrs Katie Pople (Current Parent) Advertising
Mr Rufus St Clair-Ford Careers in Science
Mr John Newby (Current Parent) Engineering
Mr Phil Curwen (Current Parent) Entrepreneurship (CFO Asset Management)
Dr  Sarah Mackenzie Ross (Current Parent) Psychology
Mrs Melanie Darlaston (Current Paren) Media (Executive TV Producer)
Mr Simon Bayliff Sports Management