Lower Fourth Brave the Elements on Dorset Camping Trip | Epsom College
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Lower Fourth Brave the Elements on Dorset Camping Trip

Lower Fourth pupils braved the rain on a three-day camping and team building trip to Dorset. Here Maddie Pearce (Wa) reflects on the visit:

“On Sunday 9 June, the Lower Fourth went to Dorset for four days. We settled into our tents on the beautiful fields of Dorset, close to Corfe Castle.

Early on Monday morning we did all sorts of team building activities, learning to work together as a team and making our friendships stronger.

After a tasty lunch, we went to a water park with inflatables – I thought it was amazing. After evening activities, we went back to our tents and rested.

On Tuesday we went into the forest for the whole day. We learnt how to gut a fish, and (my favourite) how to pluck a bird. Then we designed items out of wood – I made a spoon, but many people made bows and arrows. Then we learnt how to make fire with splint and hay. Then came archery. Josh, the instructor, said that every time he put girls vs boys, the girls won – a good challenge. I think if I was ever stranded in the woods, I would know how to survive.

The next morning we got up very early and packed, had breakfast, and got our wet suits on. We went rafting and paddle boarding, playing many games along the way. We played a wrestling game and Isabel and I won. Then we did paddle boarding, which I struggled with because I didn’t know how to turn! Then we did raft building which I enjoyed a lot. Afterwards, we had lunch and got on the bus to head home.”