Lower Fourth Land & Wave Bushcraft Day | Epsom College
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Lower Fourth Land & Wave Bushcraft Day

On Friday 11 June the entire Lower Fourth year group stepped away from their studies to take part in a bushcraft day with activity leaders from Land and Wave. With restrictions meaning a residential trip was not possible this term, the company were tempted away from their Dorset base and onto the splendid College grounds in order to challenge and upskill the pupils.

Activities ranged from preparing, cooking and sampling fish; crossing shark-infested grass using planks and barrels; tackling firelighting with a supersized bow drill; improving whittling skills with sticks and knives (risk assessment forms all completed!); and constructing a giant catapult.

The Lower School pupils all worked hard, listened well and enjoyed their day together in the sunshine. All of the Lower Fourth Form Tutors and Mr Swainson were shared in the activities and formed some lasting memories of their outgoing form groups.

As ever, the Epsom College catering team stepped up with a fantastic al-fresco lunch as well as some energy-boosting snacks in the afternoon which were very well received.

The day was organised and led wonderfully well by Mrs Drinkall, and I know that she enjoyed furthering her understanding of individuals within the year group, whilst also having a lot of fun herself.

A highlight has to be Mr Swainson taking his turn on the catapult, being too strong for his own good and duly snapping the bungee elastic, much to the enjoyment of his group! We look forward to catching up with Land and Wave in a different but equally challenging environment in future years.

Mr Ed Lance, Head of Lower School