Lower Fourth Lockdown Leaderboard | Epsom College
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Lower Fourth Lockdown Leaderboard

During this period of remote learning, Mr Swainson is running a ‘Lower Fourth Lockdown Leaderboard’ and presenting weekly virtual assemblies.

Each week pupils are set three challenges and are awarded points for completing each one. In addition, the top five pupils per challenge receive additional points to go towards their individual and form group totals.

The challenges in week one included home baking and a photography challenge on the theme of ‘Winter’. The impressive results can be seen in the gallery below.

The following pupils completed both challenges and were placed in the top five for one of the two challenges.

  • Ariya Agarwal (GH)
  • Esme Jordan (Wa)
  • Isaac Robinson (Je)
  • Isabel Henderson (Hu)
  • Oscar Rejwan (Wa)

The challenges for week two are:

  • Take a photo of your tidy and clear workspace/desk.
  • Write a haiku on the theme of lockdown/COVID
  • Create a self-portrait in any medium you wish.