Lower School Poets Published in Anthology | Epsom College
  • Lower School

Lower School Poets Published in Anthology

Epsom College had another 18 of its Lower School students published by Young Writers. This time, they were tasked with writing a poem on the theme of ‘Thought Provoking Poetry’.

Some chose to write about a topsy-turvy world, whilst others chose to write about a world where inequality wasn’t an issue.

The lucky students to have had their work published in this anthology are:

  • Chia Brown (Third Form)
  • Annabel Curry (Third Form)
  • Rufus Ford (Third Form)
  • Harry Hamlyn (Lower Fourth)
  • Emma Lord (Third Form)
  • Mara Savastre (Third Form)
  • Umar Shohid (Third Form)
  • Violet Tobin (Third Form)
  • Ella Crawford (Lower Fourth)
  • Victor Chistyakov (Lower Fourth)
  • Poppy Gibbins (Lower Fourth)
  • Esme Jordan (Lower Fourth)
  • Henry Lord (Lower Fourth)
  • Sophia Moores (Lower Fourth)
  • Violet Ollerhead (Lower Fourth)
  • Maddie Selman (Lower Fourth)
  • Daniel Strange (Lower Fourth)
  • Ada Ucuncu (Lower Fourth)

Head of English, Miss Natalie Bubbear, “We are delighted that so many students are keen to keep participating in these opportunities and are really impressed with the quality of work they have produced.”