Lower Sixth Leadership Cadre Shares Skills | Epsom College
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Lower Sixth Leadership Cadre Shares Skills

In CCF, the Lower Sixth Leadership Cadre have taken on a fresh challenge this term, endeavouring to draw something tangible from the months of lockdown that can be quantifiable evidence of the excellent work they have been doing since September.

This phase of the course traditionally marks their Assessed Teaching Practice unit, where they are expected to deliver a 20-minute skill lesson on a topic of their choice, to a group of their peers.

The group embraced the online transition seemingly effortlessly, delivering well-prepared, informative, and often entertaining lessons on topics ranging from British Sign Language to how to do a ‘pop-up’ in surfing, and emergency First Aid to sewing skills.

What marks this year as different, is that in completing these assessed lessons, and a workbook unit alongside, they are also on the path to securing a BTEC Level 2 qualification in Teamwork and Personal Development.

The group was under no obligation to take on this additional challenge, and with work yet to be done, all are rising to it admirably, having proven to be committed and enthusiastic – even on the darkest of January and February’s Wednesday afternoons.