Lower Sixth Pupils Learn the Horrifying Realities of Auschwitz | Epsom College
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Lower Sixth Pupils Learn the Horrifying Realities of Auschwitz

Four members of the Lower Sixth embarked upon a daunting trip to Poland to visit the site of Auschwitz, the former Nazi death camp

Lucy, Harlie, Will and Jeevan have spent the past year volunteering as Epsom College’s Holocaust memorial ambassadors. Therefore, this trip was a culmination of a year’s work which saw the courageous quartet take time out of their schedules to learn, in depth, about the causes, events and consequences of the Holocaust. They have then taken all that they have learnt, and helped the rest of the College to better understand those tragic events.

Departing the College at 4.30am, in the company of Canon Haviland and Mr Fisher, the group flew to Krakow and spent nearly six hours being guided around the site of Auschwitz Camp and Auschwitz-Birkenau.

It was by no means an easy experience as they were given insight into the brutal and often brief nature of life in the camp. Reflecting on the trip, Lucy said: “It was perhaps the first time that the true scale and reality of the Holocaust really became comprehendible.”

By no means an easy day, but one which will live long in the memory for all who took part.