Medicine Applicants Succeed in Record-Breaking Year | Epsom College
  • Biology

Medicine Applicants Succeed in Record-Breaking Year

Epsom College has a long and proud connection to the medical profession, and this year’s aspiring medics are continuing that fine tradition. With just a few universities left to make their final decisions, 80% of our medics have received offers to study medicine or veterinary science at some of the UK’s most prestigious institutions. Offers include places at UCL, Barts, Belfast, Liverpool and Manchester.
A record number of students applied to study Medicine this year. There were 28,860 Medicine applicants in for 2021 – representing a 21% increase on the previous year. Therefore, securing a place this year has been tougher than ever before.
Mr Chris Bates, Head of Biology, says “In what has been a difficult time for all our students, I couldn’t be more impressed with this year’s Upper Sixth. To have secured places at some of the UK’s top universities speaks to their intelligence, application and dedication to a career in medicine. No doubt, in some way the global pandemic may have sharpened their focus, and made them even more determined to forge a career that will make a difference to many lives.”

Proud tradition

In 1851, the idea for a college to assist the sons of “distressed medical men” was proposed by Dr John Propert. The school would offer a foundation education for boys destined for medical careers. The idea was well received and a national fundraising campaign followed. Support was strong, and in 1855 The Royal Medical Benevolent College opened its doors to the first 100 boys. The College was soon to become Epsom College.
Since that time, the College has put forward 3,000 students to the medical profession. The distinguished list of medical honours gained by Old Epsomians is quite magnificent; multiple times students have become President of the Royal College of Physicians, President of the Royal College of Surgeons and eminent doctors and surgeons.