Mental Health Awareness Week at Epsom College | Epsom College
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Mental Health Awareness Week at Epsom College

The College is once again set to play a key role in this month’s Epsom Mental Health and Wellbeing Festival (3-10 October), with a series of events, assemblies and tutor sessions. The Festival, which will run online this year, focuses on the theme of Seeds of Hope in Uncertain Times.

  • Two Wellbeing Trees have been erected in Main Reception and Lower School Reception, onto which pupils and staff are invited to share a gem of advice, word or sketch
  • Pupils will be encouraged to consider the importance of positive mental health during a global pandemic, and to come up with ideas on how to stay safe, sane and strong. Deputy Head (Pupil Welfare), Mrs Helen Keevil, urges pupils to listen to Old Epsomian, Dr Radha’s, podcast: How To Avoid Emotional Burnout
  • Third Form artists submitted some delightful creative designs to the Festival’s Art Competition, and all winners will be announced Friday 9 October

You can view the full programme here

Patron’s Introduction

Patron of Epsom’s Mental Health Awareness Week, Dr Max Pemberton, introduced the Festival and inspiration behind this year’s theme:

“This year has been very strange and unsettling for a lot of people. In fact, I doubt there is a single person that hasn’t struggled in one way or another since the Covid-19 pandemic struck. It’s seen our usual routines and rhythms thrown up in the air.

Human beings tend to be creatures of habit, and so the dramatic changes that have taken place in the way we live our lives has been very disconcerting and distressing for people. So much seemed to change and so quickly – from who we can see and when, to what we can do in our leisure time, even how and where we shop. So many things we took for granted seemed lost and many of the strategies we usually use to cope with difficulties such as seeing friends, were suddenly out of bounds.

But, out of all this uncertainty and upheaval some good things have emerged. But as the lockdown has eased and life has slowly started up again, albeit rather different to how it was, it’s a good opportunity to look back and reflect on what has happened and consider what positive things we might take from the experience.”