Millie Milne Stars in British Theatre Academy Production | Epsom College
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Millie Milne Stars in British Theatre Academy Production

At the end of August, Millie Milne (Rv), starred in the British Theatre Academy’s production of Jason Robert Brown’s new musical, 13. Following the show, Millie was offered a place at the British Theatre Academy to train with them this year and is looking forward to Annie, their next production.

Here Millie reflects on the experience.

“Spurred on by the College’s The Sound of Music production I used the summer break to look for more opportunities to develop my performing skills and experience. I began auditioning for the British Theatre Academy’s production of Jason Robert Brown’s new musical, 13, in early July and for the British Youth Musical Theatre’s production of Why the Whales Came.

“Having never auditioned for a production outside of school, this was a challenging experience for me, coupled with the additional difficulty of Covid forcing auditions online; nonetheless it was still an exciting and enjoyable experience. Much to my surprise, I was fortunate enough to be invited to several ‘call-backs’ and was offered a place in both shows. Unfortunately, the show dates clashed and so I was only able to accept my role in 13.

“The rehearsals for 13 took place in person over an intensive ten-day period. It was absolutely brilliant to work alongside older and far more experienced performers and I learnt a great deal. The show took place at London’s Cadogan Theatre and it really was fantastic. I enjoyed every minute of it and I couldn’t believe how we managed to put the show together in such a short time. I have now been offered a place at the British Theatre Academy to train with them this year and I’m looking forward to Annie, their next production.

“It was a wonderful opportunity and I made some good like-minded friends and I’m very grateful to Miss Johnson, Mr Johns and Miss Goldy (my singing teacher) for their advice and positive words of encouragement before my auditions as they really helped me and my confidence.”