Mini-reunion for 1965 Forestians | Epsom College
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Mini-reunion for 1965 Forestians

A group of seven 1965 leavers from Forest House were delighted to hold a mini-reunion at the College at the beginning of October.

Following the visit and on behalf of the group, Christopher Morrison wrote the message below to OE Club Co-ordinator, Sue Croucher:

“This is to thank you, and through you all the people who gave their time to make our visit to the College last Friday so memorable and enjoyable.

The weather was kind to us and everywhere we went we were met with interest, enthusiasm and smiling faces.  We were very impressed with all we saw and it is clear that the standards are as high as ever and the product even higher.

Thank you for all that you did in arranging the morning for us and for shepherding us around without any apparent sense of rush but always hitting our timings.

We would like to mention the other people who hosted us:

Canon Andrew in the beautiful Chapel, the impact and memories of which remain with us today; it was truly a haven of peace during the term.  I haven’t forgotten that I owe him The Prayer for Epsom Boys, which we were given on Confirmation.

The Forest Matron, Yvette, and Deputy Matron, Janet, who together showed us round the immaculate, and I mean immaculate, House.  We had much discussion on the way the boys live and behave today and I am sure that much credit must go to these two for their unstinting work and influence in the House.

Mike Hobbs did us proud in the Biology labs and it was good to see that his enthusiasm remained unabated after the many years he has nurtured potential doctors.  The four medics in our group were delighted that some vestiges of the former very extensive museum still remain.

Archivist Rebecca did so well in pulling out relevant pictures and papers for us so that we could indulge in ‘old men’s reminiscences’ – all of which she sat through patiently and without any hint that she had heard it all before!  We hope that Rebecca gets her bookshelves soon.

The library is truly stunning and Sally was on hand to explain how they provide their excellent service to the pupils.  Such a change from the wall bars and vaulting horse that we remember there.

Finally, a mention of Forest Housemaster, Jonny Bailey, who was unable to skip his lessons to meet us in the House, but did manage to intercept us as we were walking to the car park. His obvious enthusiasm and concern for his boys shone through and we left certain that the House is in good hands.  We wish him well for his tenure.”

In the photo above, left to right, are: Rod Baker, Jonathan Berry, Christopher Morrison, Robert Scholefield, Bill Bevington, Richard Pusey, Ian Pickett

OEs, on their own or in groups, are always very welcome to visit the College. Visitors must be accompanied on site at all times, so please contact us in advance to arrange a tour.