National Rugby Champions | Epsom College
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National Rugby Champions

The U14As finished their run in the National Cup with an excellent win against Northampton School for Boys in the Final. Played in a blustery north easterly wind at the Eltham College Meadow Pavilion ground, the game was competitive to the final whistle and full credit should be given to both teams for their performance. However, Epsom just had the edge on the day and all the players should be very proud of their achievement. Particular mention should go to the stand-by players who did not get pitch time on the day. Their input throughout the competition has been outstanding and is very much appreciated. Finally, thanks should go to the parents who have supported the squad so well throughout this season and to the teaching staff who came to support the team on the first day of their vacation. National champions – well done boys! WON 15-12 Tries: Walker-Smith (P), Springate (Fa)