Navy Cadets Participate in Lord Mayor's Show | Epsom College
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Navy Cadets Participate in Lord Mayor’s Show

Twenty-five Royal Navy Cadets, under the guidance of Squadron Leader Schomberg (RAFAC) and Lieutenant Smith (RN), proudly participated in the annual Lord Mayor’s Show parade. This iconic event connects the modern cityscape to its medieval roots, parading through the heart of London in a magnificent display of tradition and celebration. 

The spectacle featured over 7,000 participants, including 200 horses and around 150 floats, marching from Mansion House to the Royal Courts of Justice and back. Covering approximately 2 kilometres each way, the bustling streets were adorned with eager spectators, with an estimated 500,000 people turning out to witness the procession. The sheer scale of the event meant that at any given point, it took an hour for the entire show to pass by a spectator. 

A significant honour for the Epsom College CCF-RN, being one of only five school CCF groups in the parade, the cadets showcased their discipline and enthusiasm, epitomising the very best of the College and the Royal Navy section. Their exemplary conduct did not go unnoticed, with Royal Navy officers standing to return their salute at Mansion House. The grandeur of the occasion reached beyond the streets, as the procession was broadcast live on BBC One, with the cadets appearing approximately 44 minutes into the iPlayer recording.  

Undoubtedly, this day will be etched in their memories, offering a lifetime of pride in having represented Epsom College CCF-RN on such a prestigious platform. 

By Mr Nicholas Smith, Head of CCF Royal Navy