New Climate Committee Makes Strides Forward | Epsom College
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New Climate Committee Makes Strides Forward

The Climate Committee began at the start of this term and has met once a week since then, with representatives from each House. Our aims and objectives are to encourage environmental initiatives within the Houses; to raise awareness about the environment and climate change across the College community; and to initiate whole school environmental actions.

So far we’ve initiated a crisp packet recycling scheme, a joint effort with Charities Committee, which turns empty crisp packets into vital funds for the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance through an innovative recycling process.

Climate Committee representatives have interviewed Catering Manager Bev Spencer and the Bursar to find out more about the systems already in place at the College and think about ways in which we can do more, as a community, to reduce our carbon footprint. A short term aim is to get rid of plastic water bottles in College – we know we can do it.

Meanwhile, we’ve been busy promoting the use of, a search engine which offsets its energy use through tree planting.

We’ve already got plans in place for more awareness-raising events next term, including a Recycled Fashion Show in February 2020.

Parents with ideas, energy or relevant skills and expertise would be very welcome to get in touch to help our efforts in making Epsom College go green!

Get in touch with Tess St Clair-Ford on