New Degree-Level Microscopes For Biology | Epsom College
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New Degree-Level Microscopes For Biology

Reducing the risk of Covid-19 transmission is impacting all parts of traditional teaching and learning. The science departments, for example, have been issued strict instructions about the cleaning of equipment which as rendered our usual microscopes out of bounds.

The Health and Safety Advisory Service – CLEAPSS – have advised that microscopes require meticulous cleaning and a 72-hour quarantine before another class can use the equipment. This has created many challenges for all three science departments in delivering exam board mandated practical work.

In response, the Biology department has purchased a number of digital HD microscopes that enable students to observe the living world whilst not having to interact with eyepieces in the normal way.

The quality of these instruments is astounding – degree level – and this has enabled students to photograph or even video their work.

Mr Christopher Bates, Head of Biology