New Headmaster Of Epsom College in Malaysia | Epsom College
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New Headmaster Of Epsom College in Malaysia

As a consequence of family illness in the United Kingdom, Dr Murray Tod will leave his post as Headmaster of ECiM at Half-Term on 6 February 2021.

Dr Tod arrived in Malaysia in December 2016 as Deputy Head and then Second Master, before assuming the Headship in 2019. Mrs Kirsty Tod has also proved instrumental in the recent development of the College, with her position of Director of Boarding Compliance ushering in a new focus on policies and accreditation for ECiM. We would all like to thank Dr and Mrs Tod for their unstinting service to Epsom College in Malaysia, especially in such challenging times.

However, the Board is delighted to announce that Dr Tod’s successor as Headmaster will be Mr Matthew Brown.

Mr Brown was formerly the Deputy Head (Academic) at the College, only recently leaving to pursue a new opportunity in South Korea, and he has extensive experience in school leadership from the UK, including three years as a Headteacher in Wales.

We are very excited that Matthew has decided to rejoin ECiM and he will be accompanied by Mrs Kate Carden-Brown, who will also resume a senior role at the school, and their son Yves who will join Year 12.

Once again, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to Murray and Kirsty for all they have contributed to ECiM in the past four years, and indeed the Epsom brand in the past 20 years.