Newest Service Partner: Kingswood Court Nursing Home | Epsom College
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Newest Service Partner: Kingswood Court Nursing Home

Kingswood Court Nursing Home in Tadworth is the newest partner in the Epsom College Service Programme.

Epsom College pupils have been working with the team across a range of activities, including piano recitals, chess games and cards. Students have also joined in with the home’s digital Music Memory programme. This has involved working with residents to create customised playlists for individual residents that evoke strong positive memories.

Campbell Lyle, Director at Kingswood Court said: “Having the Epsom College students involved in Kingswood Court has been highly positive. Due to their medical needs, most of our residents are not able to lead as active a life as they might like. The students inject an energy that makes a real difference to their day.

“I am aware of rumours that illicit non-monetary poker games have been occurring between Epsom College sixth formers and Kingswood Court residents. I can neither confirm nor deny these rumours! What I can confirm however is that Frank enjoys his card sessions enormously and that when the students have gone he normally announces ‘another victory for experience over enthusiasm’. From everyone at Kingswood Court – a huge thank you to Epsom College.”

Tina Harding, Administration Manager at Kingswood Court, said: “The male resident that Amier engaged with yesterday can be particularly distracted, often getting up and down and is at risk of falls, however, Amier managed to hold a conversation and keep his attention for the whole time that he was here whilst playing cards and discussing games they like to play. The lady in this photo also said how charming he was. This may have felt like a small thing to Amier but it is huge to us and our residents. This is exactly the type of interaction that our residents benefit from and will most probably tell their families all about (over and over again) when they visit and it also gives them something to look forward to next week.”

Pupil Molly said: “Although I have only helped at Kingswood for a few weeks, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the residents. I have never been involved in something so rewarding before and I would encourage any students at the college to get involved.”

Pupil Victoria said: “I was so nervous but did enjoy it and it is a good experience for me.”

By Service Co-Coordinator, Roshie Watkins