OE Medical Society Dinner 2019 | Epsom College
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OE Medical Society Dinner 2019

The beautiful and sumptuous Worshipful Company of Cutlers, one of the oldest livery companies of the City of London, was the venue for this year’s OE Medical Black Tie Dinner, co-hosted by the Society’s President, Phil Mitchell (G 1982-84); Junior President, Anna Halstead (Cr 2008-13); and John Allen (Cr 1961-66).

John, a former Clerk to the Worshipful Company of Cutlers, gave a guided tour of the Company’s impressive collection of surgical instruments, Stone Age tools and jewel-encrusted dress swords, before OEs, parents and Sixth Form students gathered for drinks in the Court Room.

Dinner in Cutlers’ Hall followed and during the evening guests heard about the history of the venue from John, and the College’s medical traditions from the Headmaster. The guest speaker was retired leading general surgeon, David Melville (R 1967-71), who specialised in Coloproctology at St George’s.

David talked about the teachers and people who had inspired him and presented a slide show of some of his clinical cases, including the removal of a large number of spoon handles swallowed by one patient. David also spoke of the challenges doctors face in the NHS today, however, he still believes that being a medic is the best job in the world.

Anna Halstead, the Society’s recently qualified Junior President, said afterwards, “It was the best OE Medical Society Dinner I have attended. There was a great atmosphere and it felt like a real celebration of just how special a career in medicine is. This was much appreciated by those of us heading into our first jobs as doctors.”

To view photos from the event, please click here.