OEs walk London's Roman Wall | Epsom College
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OEs walk London’s Roman Wall

On 6th October, OEs enjoyed another fascinating walk guided by City of London Green Badge Guide, Camden Guide, and former orthopaedic surgeon, Richard Pusey (F 1960-65).  Earlier this year, Richard led a walk called Samuel Pepys – his bladder stone and his London.

Following the line of the Roman wall, the walk took in Aldgate and the Aldgate pump; Bevis Marks Synagogue; St Botolph’s Bishopsgate; All Hallows on the Wall; the site of Bedlam Hospital; Salters’ Garden and Elsyng Spital; Barber Surgeons’ Hall and the site of Inigo Jones’ Anatomy Theatre; and the Roman Fort.  Lunch followed in The Lord Raglan pub. 

Richard is available for private tours; please contact him via the OE Club.