Over 100 Guests Attend Hong Kong Gathering | Epsom College
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Over 100 Guests Attend Hong Kong Gathering

On Saturday 1 June, Second Master, Paul Williams and Education Trust Director, Helen Tranter, hosted a reception in Hong Kong for all members of the Epsom College community who live in the region.

Over 100 guests attended the China Club and were treated to fine dining canapés, drinks and a warm welcome on behalf of the OE Hong Kong Chapter and the College.

Paul Williams and Helen Tranter addressed the audience and were able to convey the success of the College and the outstanding results we have enjoyed this year, including the exceptional outcome of our recent ISI Inspection. Guests were also given an update on the College development plans, as well as information on The Mermaid building and appeal.

Helen Tranter said: “It was wonderful to see such a vibrant and large Epsom College community in Hong Kong. We were so very pleased to see so many of our alumni, parents, pupils and supporters during this visit. We were warmly welcomed by all and it was lovely to meet everyone and hear of the success of our alumni in their careers and endeavours.”

Paul Williams said: “It was a real pleasure to return to Hong Kong and to reconnect with a large number of OEs. Thank you to all those who attended, and to our Hong Kong community for their support, time and generosity.”

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