Over 1,000 Presents Collected For Children in Need | Epsom College
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Over 1,000 Presents Collected For Children in Need

In the final two weeks of term, we supported Kingston charity, Growbaby, with our very successful annual Toy Drive. This year we collected over 1,000 toys for children in need.

Mrs Noni Farrelly, founder of Growbaby, spoke in Chapel again this year, emphasising the prominent role our College plays in the Toy Drive overall.

Over 80% of distributed presents in this large local toy drive come from Epsom College, so we really are making a difference!

The Senior and Lower School Charity Representatives were instrumental in this effort as well as Housemasters, Housemistresses and Matrons and, in the Lower School, Miss Barrows, Mr Lance, the Heads of Year and the form tutors. Many thanks also go to parents for all of their invaluable generosity in both of these major drives as well as their continued support of all the school charities.