Over 1,000 Toys Given to Local Families in Need | Epsom College
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Over 1,000 Toys Given to Local Families in Need

The College community has come together in support of Kingston charity Growbaby with our very successful annual Toy Drive, for which we collected over 1,000 toys for children, teenagers, and young people in need. There will also be a retiring collection at next week’s Carol Services for both GrowBaby and the Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation.

Mrs Tanya van Dalen of Growbaby spoke in several Chapel services this year, emphasising the prominent role our College plays in the Toy Drive overall. These toys go to children, teenagers and young adults who have been nominated by Social Services to receive a present as their families will not be able to buy one this Christmas. Teaching and support staff also purchased gifts for special needs children on the list this year. Over 80% of distributed presents in this large local toy drive come from Epsom College, so we really are making a difference.

The Senior School Charity Representatives were instrumental in this effort, as well as Housemasters, Housemistresses and Matrons, the Chaplaincy team, and in the Lower School, Miss Barrows, Mr Lance, the Heads of Year and the form tutors.

Many thanks also go to parents for their invaluable generosity in this major charity drive as well as their continued support of all the school charities. We offer a heartfelt ‘thank you’ for making a local child’s Christmas wishes come true.