Over 300 pupils take part in Instrumental Competition | Epsom College
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Over 300 pupils take part in Instrumental Competition

Over 300 students performed in this year’s Inter-House Solo Instrumental Competition, which took place at the end of January and culminated in two superb Winners’ Concerts on Tuesday evening.

The annual competition, which operates as a music festival with pupils entered in classes appropriate to their playing standard, reflected the rich diversity of music at the College.

The external adjudicators this year were Miss Lana Bode (pianist and member of staff at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama), Mr Florian Cooper (Director of Music, Brentwood School), Mr James Oldfield (freelance opera singer and teacher) and Mr Dominic Palmer (freelance bass player).

The winner of each class earned a place in the Winners’ Concert, held on Tuesday 28 January, but all performers scored marks which went towards the House average score.

The overall House winner this year was Rosebery, with Forest second and Murrell third.

Performed in front of an appreciative audience of parents, pupils and guests in Big School, the Winners’ Concert covered an enormous range of styles and genres and pupils from a range of year groups and musical experiences presented well-polished and engaging performances.