Over 40 OEs Return for 2023 University Fair | Epsom College
  • Sixth Form

Over 40 OEs Return for 2023 University Fair

This week saw a high turnout of former pupils at the College’s annual Higher Education Conference and University Fair. They were there to pass on their advice and share experiences of university to our current Lower Sixth.

On Thursday Epsom’s Lower Sixth students attended the College’s annual Higher Education Conference and embarked upon their university applications.

Dr Rhona Gordon from Glasgow University helped students develop a better understanding of Higher Education in Scotland and Amanda Boissevain from Surrey University talked about how to address writing a personal statement.

We were also delighted to welcome back five OEs studying medicine at different universities, to help compare and contrast courses for current applicants.

The day was rounded off with our University Fair, held in the marquee, where Lower Sixth students and parents had the opportunity to quiz both Old Epsomians and university representatives about university life and courses.

We are grateful to the 40 OEs who returned this summer, ranging from freshers to newly graduated students (some having been awarded their results yesterday!).