Oxbridge Dinner | Epsom College
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Oxbridge Dinner

An Oxbridge Dinner was held on 6th November 2019 at Pembroke College, Cambridge. OEs, current and former members of staff and guests enjoyed a tour of the beautiful campus, founded in 1347, before gathering for drinks in the Thomas Gray room (once occupied by the poet, Thomas Gray, and later by William Pitt the Younger). Dinner followed in the Old Library, which was converted from the original Chapel in 1690.

The Headmaster gave an update on the latest College achievements and Education Trust Director, Helen Tranter, thanked the guests for their continuing support in all its many forms. Mark Reading (H 1978-82), a Clinical Physician at Cambridge School of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, then spoke about the challenges young vets face today, and concluded with some amusing incidents he recorded when he was a young vet.

To view photos from the evening, click here.