Peer Mentors Offer Support to Lower School Pupils | Epsom College
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Peer Mentors Offer Support to Lower School Pupils

Lower Sixth peer mentors are trained to support younger pupils, giving one-to-one advice to any pupils in need of confidence or self-esteem help. Peer Mentors also present topical assemblies to promote awareness on a wide range of issues such as:

  • anti-bullying
  • promoting strong mental health
  • exam stress awareness
  • mindfulness
  • equality and diversity/anti-racism awareness
  • digital safety

Here, two of our Peer Mentors reflect on the sessions they have run with some of the younger members of the College community.

Izzy Burke (Rv) said: “Peer Mentoring was an aspect of the PSD Scheme that I was so excited to get involved in. After partaking in several weeks of training, I was able to take on the role of a Peer Mentor to a pupil of the Lower School.

“Every week I would meet with the pupil in Lower School allowing us to discuss home and school life. These conversations continued twice a week over TEAMS throughout the second lockdown.

“Being able to help and support someone through their time at school has been so rewarding. Life at Epsom is busy and exciting but sometimes can become a little overwhelming, especially when you are just starting out in the Lower School. Through peer mentoring, I have been able to help my peer mentor find their feet and guide them through their time at the College and I have really enjoyed being part of their journey.

“I have found peer mentoring so fulfilling and that sometimes just being an ear for someone really goes a long way. I have always been someone happy to help others and peer mentoring has been a wonderful opportunity for me to provide support and guidance to pupils beginning their journey at Epsom. The entire process is so positive and is something that I would encourage every pupil at Epsom to become involved in.”


Fred Brady (H) added: “During February half-term I was lucky enough to take part in a MeeToo workshop exploring mental health. Subsequently I have been visiting the Lower School on a weekly basis where I help pupils in need of a chat on any topic they wish to discuss. Being a Senior pupil, I am keen to help others out wherever I can.”