Prep School Pupils Perform At Epsom's Wind and Brass Festival | Epsom College
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Prep School Pupils Perform At Epsom’s Wind and Brass Festival

Around 100 children from local Prep schools attended the College for the annual Wind and Brass Festival. The pupils from Aberdour, Banstead Prep, Broomwood Hall, Eaton House The Manor, Orchard House, Rowan Prep, The Study Prep, Thomas’s Clapham, Thomas’s Fulham and Willington, learnt and performed music from The Avengers, Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean and Black Panther.

Mrs Sarah Green, Director of Music and Performing Arts, Rowan Preparatory School

“Thank you so much for having us at the Wind and Brass Festival yesterday. What a successful event, and so lovely to be part of, especially after the problems live music has faced during the past few years! As usual, the day was so well organised and our girls felt relaxed, excited, and very much part of the ensemble from the start. The girls loved the chance to play in a 100-strong band, and I can’t believe what they achieved by the end of the day. A huge thank you to all the Epsom music staff for helping during rehearsals and also to the musicians who performed for us and joined the final performance to parents.”

Françoise Ogier, Director of Music, Thomas’s Fulham

“Thank you so much for such a terrific day and the first collaborative out-of-school musical experience our pupils have had for over 2 years. I know the amount of organisation and logistics an event takes within our own school, but to coordinate so many of us from beyond the walls of Epsom College was a real feat.

Our woodwind and brass pupils jumped in at the deep end with challenging music and were able to navigate their way through playing in a vast orchestra, listening along to other sections and joining in with great perseverance. We were really grateful for that special opportunity.

Thank you very much to all the staff who were with them throughout the day, and in particular, to Mr Johnson-Hyde and Mr Sweeney for their orchestrations of the music.

It was also super for the children to be joined by your musicians. One of our young saxophonists was beaming from ear to ear sitting alongside an Epsom College saxophone player and, I think, he had even copied his hairstyle by the time of the concert!”