Prep Schools' Creative Writing Masterclass | Epsom College
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Prep Schools’ Creative Writing Masterclass

Six Year 5 pupils from Aberdour, Banstead Prep, Finton House, Prospect House and The Study Prep attended the College for the annual Prep Schools’ Creative Writing Masterclass.

Each school group was given a poem to look at, read and summarise for everyone else. They were then given the task of becoming poets themselves, cutting up individual lines and words of the original poems and recreating their own. Eventually they moved round to other groups and left some post-it note feedback. This helped focus ideas for the justification of their poems later.

All poems were beautifully decorated and presented very dramatically by each group. There was some outstanding work, bordering on GCSE level analysis; incredibly impressive for Year 5s. We managed to change some minds about poetry- those who said they didn’t like it at the beginning had changed their minds by the end.

Miss Natalie Bubbear