Pupils Consider Respect and Relationships During Safer Internet Week | Epsom College
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Pupils Consider Respect and Relationships During Safer Internet Week

Pupils across the College have been involved in workshops, assemblies and discussions on the themes of Respect and Relationships, as part of Safer Internet Week 2022.

Senior Peer Mentors from the Sixth Form have worked with Lower School pupils to examine the impact of gaming and social media. Through workshops and assemblies, they explored themes such as the use of language online, developing empathy, and how to deal with conflict between peers in an online space. They also discussed issues of online safety, debating if it is OK to talk to strangers online, and raising awareness of the dangers, boundaries and consequences of such actions.

In PSD classes, pupils took part in an HMC survey gathering views on how young people have been affected by heightened use of social media during, and as we emerge from, the pandemic. They explored the concept of online disinhibition, trying to work out why some people behave differently when they are online.

Helen Keevil, Assistant Head: Pupil Welfare, said: “Young people live their lives on and offline simultaneously – so it has been fascinating to hear their views on the offline consequences their online actions can cause. Adults could learn so much from the way children navigate their online lives, if they can find the time and space to have such conversations.

“Listening to what young people most enjoy about being online – what are the positives about connecting via online gaming, Instagram scrolling, and sharing funny videos on YouTube? – can help us all to navigate and work out how we treat each other on these platforms. As one peer mentor said, ‘we’re aware of the dangers yet we love the thrill of anonymity, being curious and connecting with like-minded people’. This topic sets us up nicely for Empathy Week after half term, focusing on self-care and caring for others.”