Pupils Design Greenpower F24 Racing Car & Race at Goodwood | Epsom College
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Pupils Design Greenpower F24 Racing Car & Race at Goodwood

Since September, the pupils involved in Epsom STEM club have been busy designing and constructing the College’s first Greenpower F24 Racing Car. The aim of the competition is for schools, colleges, universities and youth groups to run a racing team, by designing and building a battery-powered electric car that will go the furthest distance possible in the race time.


Here Dr Chris Telfer-Mason talks us through preparations for race day.

Designing The Car

As this was our first attempt we choose to enter the F24 Kit Car Competition which gives each team a custom chassis that they can then adapt by designing bespoke bodywork, or by making modifications to areas such as the power train.

 “This has really captured the imagination of pupils. Several pupils who study the STEM subjects plan to go on to university to study Engineering and this competition allows students to build an understanding of the skills required.”

Throughout Michaelmas term over 20 students worked in Covid-secure bubbles to assemble different sections of the car before it was all joined together, and our car EC Racer was born.

As we moved into Lent term we made use of Microsoft Teams to hold weekly meetings, allowing us to continue the research and design of the body and electrical control systems.

Plans were drawn up and sent to Mr Day and Mr Lewsey who, during lockdown, kindly cut and glued the foam. Pupils them assembled it, when they returned to the College in March. A number of practice runs followed, with the team making good use of the Tennis courts to hone their racing skills and test the car.


Race Day

On Sunday 9 May, an early morning start saw us arrive at the Goodwood race circuit, home to classic car racing and the Goodwood Motor Festival.

We first had the nerve-racking wait to pass scrutineering, to ensure our car was legal before we could begin the practice sessions. Later that morning we tested the car and allowed all of the team to experience driving on a racing track whilst getting used to handling the car and learning the racing line before the afternoon’s race.

During the lunch break, we made the final few tweaks to the car to ensure it was race-ready.

Amy Scerri (M) became the College’s first Greenpower racer, taking to the track and demonstrating excellent racecraft along with some great overtaking. She saw us finish respectively in the midfield. Amy was followed by Thomas Booth (Rn) who achieved our fastest lap of the day. We averaged just under 24mph and completed a lap of the circuit in 6:03:200.

Lexy Poulton (Fa) was our third driver and he impressed with silky driving skills to pull off a number of slick passes. Myles Eckes (H) was our final driver who brought us home 23rd out of 39 cars, with a total mileage of 25.33. Unfortunately, we ran out of power with just eight minutes remaining.

The whole team thoroughly enjoyed the experience, we learnt so much and now have some great ideas about how we can refine the design and prepare for the next event in September.

This will take place at Dunsfold Aerodrome, better known as the Top Gear Test Track…. so, the Stig better watch out.


If you are interested in sponsoring the STEM team’s future racing endeavours, please contact Dr Chris Telfer-Mason: chris.telfer-mason@epsomcollege.org.uk