Pupils Present Cheque to School Charity World Child Cancer | Epsom College
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Pupils Present Cheque to School Charity World Child Cancer

World Child Cancer representative, Alice Castle, and OE Alex Shammas, who is an ambassador for the charity, visited the Epsom College Charity Committee to discuss in detail the charity’s important work and to receive a cheque from the College for £2,943.60.

Students were inspired by the stories that Alice and Alex told and all were delighted with the success of Michaelmas Term fundraising.

A spokesperson for World Child Cancer said: “World Child Cancer would like to say a huge thank you to everyone at Epsom College who helped raise the funds to support children with cancer, and their families, in the developing world.”

In September 2018 World Child Cancer won a unanimous vote to be Epsom College’s International Charity of the Year from 2018 to 2020. Our Ambassador, Alex Shammas, is an alumnus of the school and kindly put World Child Cancer forward to be considered by the Charity Committee. The Charity Committee helped host an array of activities, which included brownie sales, a mufti day, and church offertory.

One comment that stood out to the Charity Committee was from one of the younger pupils who said: “I didn’t know children got cancer.” This shows why the work of World Child Cancer in raising awareness of children with cancer is so important, and why the Charity Committee is supporting its efforts.