PwC Talk on Business Sustainability | Epsom College
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PwC Talk on Business Sustainability

On Tuesday evening, A-level students were invited to a talk by Zubin Randeria, a Partner at PwC. Zubin leads PwC’s ESG business, helping organisations grow responsibly and sustainably, with a particular focus on the transformation to net-zero carbon emissions and developing transparency in the capital markets to help investors allocate capital efficiently. He is part of the executive leadership team for Risk, one of PwC’s five lines of service.

Throughout the talk, students were able to draw links between their A-level subjects – including Geography, Economics and Business. They learned about the different emission types such as “Scope 1 to Scope 3” and discussed investing in green markets.

Zubin then opened the floor to questions and the students were able to ask everything from the role of electric cars in helping reach net-zero, to which unicorns are expected to be the next big thing in green technology.

Students walked away not only with a better understanding of climate change and its impacts but what role they play in avoiding reaching critical tipping points. Several students are also planning to read degrees in Sustainability or Business Sustainability, one said:

“Along with reminding me about the current situation that the world is in concerning climate change, Zubin Randeria’s talk opened my eyes to the financial side of the climate crisis. His explanation of the impacts of financial investment into greener companies on the crisis has inspired me to seek a university and career path into sustainability.” – Finn, Lower Sixth

By Emily Hargreaves, Head of Geography