Q&A With Katie Lenham | Epsom College
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Q&A With Katie Lenham

Before joining Rosebery as Housemistress in 2018, Mrs Katie Lenham was at the helm of Epsom’s Art department for 10 years. Here she shares some of her highlights from both the pastoral and academic side of life at the College.

What is the most rewarding element of teaching at Epsom?

Working with pupils who really want to make progress, seeing them develop confidence and establish their strengths.

What event is your highlight in the College calendar, and why?

Too many…. I love the Choral Competition, the teamwork and enthusiasm is dazzling! I think the College does Christmas very well, a lot of excitement and then moments when we pull it back and look at a bigger picture – the charity toy service leaves me speechless. Also (Head of Catering) Bev’s mince pies!!! Founder’s Day is probably the stand out event though, it is a celebration of endeavour and perseverance.

What is your proudest moment at the College?

There are different levels; personally moving from Head of Art into Rosebery. But as a teacher, the talent on show at the A-level Art Show every year impresses me and makes me feel incredibly proud to be part of the College.

What do you enjoy most outside the classroom? 

The school plays. They are always so ambitious and an amazing, professional standard.

How do you spend your holidays?

Catching up with family and friends…. they tend to get rather sidelined during the busy term!

If you hadn’t become a teacher what job would have liked to do?

I wanted to read the news when I was little. Then I wanted to be a sheep farmer, (I grew up in the country and my friends’ parents were farmers, it looked like fun, until I helped with lambing one year). I think if I wasn’t a teacher now I’d like to be a marine biologist, it’s an area I find really fascinating, positive and proactive, though I’m a bit nervous of sea-cucumbers.