Q&A with Meely Thesiger - Head of School | Epsom College
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Q&A with Meely Thesiger – Head of School

Meely Thesiger (Upper Sixth, Rosebery) talks about her time at the College since joining Epsom inaugral Year 7, what she's hoping to bring to the role, and her plans for beyond the College.

Tell us about your time at Epsom so far…

I joined Epsom in the very first Year 7 cohort, when the College’s Lower School launched in 2016. I had moved straight from Malaysia and I didn’t know anybody at the school, but I quickly made friends and involved myself in as many activities as possible.

Throughout my time at Epsom, drama has been a strong passion of mine. I have been involved in school plays almost every year as I love getting to perform on stage as well as bonding with pupils from different year groups.

I have also tried my hand at many sports; representing the school in Hockey, Netball, Cricket and Swimming, and have been involved with a range of different activities such as the Model United Nations, Politics Society, Climate Committee and taking a leading role in the Philosophy Society.

Debating and public speaking have played a large part in my life at the College, be it the Darbyshire Debating Competition, Dodd Speaking Competition or speaking in assemblies and Chapel services.

Currently, I am taking English Literature, Politics and Geography at A-level and I have thoroughly enjoyed these subjects during the past two years in Sixth Form.

Have you enjoyed being part of the College prefect team, and in what ways are you looking forward to taking a leading role this term?

Having the opportunity to be part of the College prefect team has been a great privilege and I feel honoured that I can now help to lead this team in the final term of the year.

My favourite aspect of the role is the prefects’ helpfulness and selflessness in giving up time to assist the College or help peers and pupils in the lower years. This term I am looking forward to continuing the positivity of the prefects and helping to support my fellow prefects through their A-level exams.

What made you want to apply for Head of School? 

I have always wanted to be Head of School as I have admired and looked up to so many of the previous Heads of School over the past seven years. Epsom has given me so much during my time here and I strongly feel that I want to give something back to this special community. I have also realised how much I am going to miss Epsom and I think being Head of School is such a positive way to round off the amazing experience I have had here.

How did you feel when you were given the honour?

When I found out that I was Head of School I was absolutely delighted. It had been an aspiration of mine for a long time. It was very hard to contain my excitement and I honestly just felt thankful that I was given this opportunity. I have loved my time so far as Head of House for Rosebery, working closely with Mrs Lenham, but I am also so excited for this new role.

What are you hoping to achieve this term? 

I am most looking forward to helping the College’s leadership team with all of the events in the busy Summer Term. I think a key role will be to help my peers in Upper Sixth, Year 11 and other year groups through the exam period and with any other pastoral needs. I am also hoping to gain useful leadership experience and enhance my organisational and communication skills.

This year has been an especially difficult and upsetting time for the whole College community. I really hope I can play a part in ensuring that the Summer Term is as enjoyable and productive as it can be, while always remembering the legacy of Mrs Pattison and the wonderful and positive impact she had on the College.

What are your plans after Upper Sixth?

After Epsom, I am planning on going to Durham University to study Liberal Arts. I am really excited about this, as the degree will allow me to explore the subjects I love in more depth. I am able to choose modules such as English, Geography, Classical Civilisation and History of Art and study them separately but also see how they connect in the wider world. After university, I am thinking of doing a law conversion course, but I’ve got a few more years to think about that.