Question Time Comes to the College | Epsom College
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Question Time Comes to the College

Year 10 pupil Amelia Jallot describes her experience of going behind the scenes on the Question Time set

Big School transformed into the iconic Question Time set on Thursday 30 May, complete with the familiar glossy stage and catchy theme tune. It was an absolute honour to be invited for a backstage tour that took in all the technical details of such a complicated set for an outside broadcast.

The hugely knowledgeable and friendly BBC staff took their time to explain all the technical details to us and patiently answered our questions. I particularly enjoyed being able to manipulate the cameras, which were more robust than expected, and the technicians encouraged us to move them around and understand their mechanics as we worked them. Going into the BBC technical van was like entering another world. It was a visual feast of how overall control is managed through screens, lighting, and sound. We were so lucky to be able to try the equipment and understand how the complicated arrangement worked.

“Seeing this filmed right before our eyes helped us to understand how professional the BBC team were, and we were in awe of how they all worked together as a team.”

Having experienced first-hand the different technical elements, it was amazing to see the BBC crew come together like a well-oiled machine to film Fiona Bruce’s introductory sections.  It was a truly memorable event that helped me to connect my backstage technical work at the College with a real-world experience.