Raft Building, Treasure Hunting and Crabbing on Lower Sixth Team-Building Day | Epsom College
  • Pastoral

Raft Building, Treasure Hunting and Crabbing on Lower Sixth Team-Building Day

The whole of the Lower Sixth took part in their Team-Building Day in House groups this week. On the hottest day of the year, pupils and HMMs embarked on a host of outdoor activities including raft building, crazy golf, treasure hunting, and crabbing, rewarded with treats of ice cream, a BBQ and fish and chips.


Eva Saunders, Murrell

“During our team-building day at arena pursuits on Monday we used our initiative, leadership, creativity and communication skills to work in teams to tackle challenging activities including building a raft and crossing a canal!

“As well as being exceptionally fun, the competitive element and chance to bond as a group created an entertaining environment for all. We thoroughly enjoyed our day and the skills we learnt will be of great use to us as leaders in our House and as part of the Upper Sixth next year.”


Mrs Leah Skipper, Crawfurd

“This year Crawfurd’s teambuilding challenge was to be able to use brains in extreme heat! Mrs Skipper and Ms Bosa accompanied the girls on a Treasure Hunt around Brighton, where the girls powers of deduction were really tested and they had to keep a keen eye out for the clues. After a delicious lunch in one of Brighton’s many eateries, the girls enjoyed 18 holes of Crazy Golf on the beach before heading back for some leadership training in the evening. An enormous success and a great time was had by all; even those who returned a little pinker than before!”


Mr Chris Filbey, Holman

“The Holman Lower Sixth had a great day out in Whitstable in glorious sunshine with me and their tutor, Mr Keevil. The boys took part in competitive crabbing with prizes for the largest crab and most crabs caught, a treasure trail around the town and had fish and chips on the beach. After an ice cream and some free time, we got the minibus back to Epsom in time for a BBQ in my garden. The boys were excellent company throughout, worked brilliantly together and we all had a great day out.”