Remembering Loved Ones at the Chapel of St Luke | Epsom College
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Remembering Loved Ones at the Chapel of St Luke

On a blustery Monday night, members of the College community voluntarily gathered together in a warm and welcoming St Luke’s Chapel for a simple and reflective service of remembrance. This gave everyone the opportunity to remember those they love but see no longer, whether the loss was recent or some time ago.

Over 150 names were read out and many more names were held quietly in prayer.  Candles were lit in their memory. Towards the end of the service, the lights were turned down and quiet music played as the glow from the candles lit up the chapel and the hearts of those present. It was a very moving service and important for many to take a moment to stop, think, give thanks and reflect.

If you would like a loved one remembered, do get in touch with our Chaplain who will be only too happy to add their name to his list.