Remembering OEs lost in service | Epsom College
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Remembering OEs lost in service

Fifth Form cadets wore their CCF uniforms today in memory of the Old Epsomians who lost their lives in the First World War. Each College cadet was assigned a fallen soldier, given a name badge and a short biography from College Archivist, Rebecca Jallot. These stories provided a relatable and moving insight into the former pupil, from their school days through to their military career.

The cadets gave a short talk on their soldier’s story during House prayers, and videos of four of the stories can be viewed below.

Captain Percy Levick, as told by Max Way (C)


Second Lieutenant Leslie Watson, as told by Edward Pople (P)


Cyril Sheen, as told by Margaux Soin (Cr)


Second Lieutenant Laurence Joscelyne, as told by Zac O’Connor (P)