Return Of The Quiz Night For Rosebery Girls | Epsom College
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Return Of The Quiz Night For Rosebery Girls

On the last evening of a busy half term, Rosebery girls joined together to pit their wits against one of Mr Henson’s legendary quizzes. Girls formed teams that combined each year group, to pool their knowledge in the face of extreme challenge. ‘Name The Flag’, ‘Name The Monument’, ‘Decipher Familiar Songs Played Backwards’, to name just a few of the rounds. Catering provided us with ‘Happy Meals’ and brownies as brain food!

It was a pleasure to be able to have this event again, for the first time in two years. Teams joined to chat and work, but most importantly to relax together. Who knew that Rosebery girls had such superior flag knowledge.

Katie Lenham, Housemistress, Rosebery House