Second Online EPMUN | Epsom College
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Second Online EPMUN

Saturday saw 120 delegates debate in the second online EPMUN. It commenced with an online opening ceremony organised by the Secretary-General, Heidi, before the 120 delegates in attendance from all over the country split up to debate various topics in their respective committees.

Each of these committees was ably led by the team of chairs, comprising Selim Ardac, Kate Collie, Hugo Collingridge, Dejan (who also acted as Deputy Secretary-General), John Gartside, Christy Lau, Edward Northover, Alex Povey, Lewis Price, Martha Stapleton, and Lily Taylor-Fitzgibbon.

The chairs were supported by a first-rate administrative team, comprising Zac Hafeez, James Mathews, and Zac Power, and oversaw a series of debates on topics ranging from the treatment of Uighur Muslims to military bases in the South China Sea and the withdrawal from Afghanistan to the Cuban Missile Crisis (in the Historical Committee), all of which stretched research, diplomacy and debating skills.

EPMUN 2022 also gave a number of pupils their first experience as a MUN delegate: Daniel Clatworthy, Timofey Lomizov, Rupert Metcalfe and Sam Sheehan representing Afghanistan; Theo Maxwell Randeria, Ethan Payne and Jacob Secker representing Canada; and James Lau, Jasper Won and Andrew Wong representing Saudi Arabia. All gave an excellent account of themselves and a number won internal awards.

By George Greenbury