Sienna Wins Coveted Finalist Position in the Young Reporter Scheme | Epsom College
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Sienna Wins Coveted Finalist Position in the Young Reporter Scheme

Congratulations to Year 10 pupil Sienna, who beat hundreds of students to become a finalist in the Young Reporter scheme, hosted by Kingston University in May.

Sienna gives us an insight into her love of writing and the exciting day she spent with fellow finalists, gaining experience working in a real newsroom.

“Ever since I was little, I have loved writing, and I knew that the Young Reporter Scheme would be the perfect opportunity to do something I love and learn some valuable skills along the way, that will help me to get my dream job – journalism. In my opinion, the best way to write stories and articles is to write about things that you are passionate about and interested in, so that’s exactly what I did!

For the three articles I entered into the competition, I wrote in the categories: sport, interview and breaking news.

My sport article was about Epsom College’s sporting success this academic year, as many amazing achievements have been made by Epsom pupils, including the U14 girls’ hockey team winning the national final! As sport is one of my passions and I am very proud of my school, I thought this was the perfect idea for an article.

My favourite article, Life in the 60s vs. The 2000s was an interview with my grandma, who not only gave me some insight into her childhood, but also valuable life advice and some wonderful pictures from her hometown in Warwickshire.

Finally, my breaking news article was about a terrible fire that happened on my road, and the mystery surrounding the incident.

When I found out that I was a finalist in the competition, I was shocked, but of course very excited! The other finalists and I were invited to the Young Reporter Scheme’s university day, wherein we got to experience what it would be like to spend a day as a real journalism student at university. It was an amazing day; I got to meet the other finalists who were all lovely, and even learnt how to use the proper editing software that is used to edit their newspapers!

I am so grateful to have had this opportunity, as the scheme was so much fun. I highly recommend this experience if you are a passionate writer and want to kickstart your journalism career.”