Sixth Form Students Stand Up for Freedom of Speech | Epsom College
  • Sixth Form

Sixth Form Students Stand Up for Freedom of Speech

Three Sixth Form students gave a compelling presentation at the Upper Fourth assembly this week. In a fast-paced and engaging presentation, Ellie Jordan (M) and Alice Jenkins (Wh) deftly wove together the death of Samuel Paty, Voltaire’s often misquoted defence of free speech, the efficiency of a guillotine, Fake News, and their own strongly held but opposing views of Brexit. All dispatched to impress upon the attendant U4s the importance of intellectual curiosity, independent thought, and freedom of speech.

Theo Mully (P) then took to the lectern to invite pupils to consider turning these virtues and their own considerable talents to the Independent Academic Projects (IAPs).

Theo spoke persuasively about how the knowledge and skills developed while pursuing his own IAPs (Assess the relevancy of the British monarchy in 21st-century society and Thatcherism; Thatcher’s life, legacy and policies) had helped his A-level studies and proved invaluable in his UCAS personal statement and subsequent university interviews. Theo has applied to read Politics and International Relations at universities in the UK and US, including St Andrews, Durham, UCL, Edinburgh and Bath.

IAPs are now open to all U4 pupils. The projects provide an opportunity for pupils to explore an area of their choosing, write 2,500 persuasive words, and practise skills essential for A-level and university study including citation and formal essay writing.

Anyone interested in undertaking an IAP should speak to Head of U4, Mrs Winmill.