Ski Team Success in Surrey Schools' Mixed Doubles | Epsom College
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Ski Team Success in Surrey Schools’ Mixed Doubles

The Epsom Ski Race Team competed at the Surrey Schools Ski Championships winning the Mixed Secondary Senior category on Sunday 22 September. The young team were brilliantly led by Sebastian Bayles (F) with strong performances by Morris (F), Amber (LS) and Monty Griffin (LS).

  • Amber Griffin came joint 13th (in a field of 34) in the Secondary Junior Females with a time of 11.52 seconds
  • Morris Griffin 21st (in a field of 41) in the Secondary Junior Male individual category with a time of 12.03 seconds
  • Monty Griffin 25th (in a field of 41) in the Secondary Junior Male individual category our of 41 racers with a time of 12.25 seconds
  • Sebastian Bayles completed a sub-10-second run, helping the team get a great overall result.