Smaller Year Group Chapel Services Allow For Reflection | Epsom College
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Smaller Year Group Chapel Services Allow For Reflection

Chapel services have resumed in the magnificent St Luke’s Chapel, in line with current legislation. Here Senior Chaplain, The Revd Canon Andrew, talks through the first week back:

“Chapel services are now taking place daily for a different year group each day. Pupils sit in socially distant house groups in pews which are sanitised each day, the doors are left open to help circulate the air and everyone is encouraged to wear face coverings. Mrs Catterall, our Assistant Chaplain and myself will be leading the time of reflection and prayer.

At the moment we are prohibited from congregational singing, however, the music department are working hard with each year group to provide Year Group Choirs or instrumentalists so that music still can be enjoyed.

“The theme of the reflection this week was to think of what is important in life and then to consider which one of these important things is the most vital. The reading for our services this week came from St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13. I think St Paul reminds us of what is vital for a decent life. He concludes: “And now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.” This theme was developed by exploring ways we as a community can demonstrate this idea in small easy to do selfless acts of kindness. This is what makes us human and is vital for a compassionate society. This idea was echoed with the Thought for the Week from the Chaplaincy, a quote from the Revd Steve Chalke MBE, Minister and Founder of the Oasis Charitable Trust:

“The most infectious virus in the world is love; love that is relentless, love that is courageous, love that stands against injustice, love that gives itself away in self-forgetful service of others.”