Sophie Norman triumphs at English Speaking Board final | Epsom College
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Sophie Norman triumphs at English Speaking Board final

In June 2018, the entire Lower Fourth cohort sat the English Speaking Board (ESB) Level 1 Award in Speech Grade 3 exam. This exam is equivalent to a music exam and requires students to deliver a speech on a topic of their choice, memorise a poem by heart and read an extract from a book they have chosen. They are also assessed on their ability to ask and answer questions.

It was the first year that we had run this exam and all students did incredibly well. Sophie Norman (Wh), however, particularly impressed and the examiners mentioned on the day that they were going to submit her to the ESB finals. After filming her reading, Sophie was one of 14 winners selected out of 13,438 entries across all ESB grades.

Now in Middle Fourth, she, her parents and Miss Bubbear were invited to the final performance in Liverpool on Saturday 17 November.

Once again, Sophie performed brilliantly and was praised for her fluent and assured delivery. All were particularly impressed that she was a winner in Epsom’s first year of delivering the exam.

Sophie continues to use her performing talents in music, drama and dance commitments at Epsom.