Squash Team Success Against Winchester | Epsom College
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Squash Team Success Against Winchester

Epsom played Winchester four times last season, walking away with two wins and two losses, so this was always going to be a tough fixture with which to open the season.

With two Lower School pupils joining the ranks of Epsom’s 1st V, our players rose to the challenge, emerging victorious by a narrow 3-2 margin. At second seed, Lower Fourth pupil Luke Camfield (GH) made an impressive debut for the College, displaying good court coverage and consistent stroke play to win a closely fought match 3-2.

Alex Ukrasin (H) was characteristically determined in the fifth seed match, but only began to find his rhythm towards the end, losing 1-3.

Captain James Bull (G), despite being very evenly matched with his third seed opponent, lost 0-3, largely due to an accumulation of unforced errors.

First seed Stan Tanguy (G) levelled the fixture with a 3-1 victory over an accomplished young player, Stan exhibiting composure and the ability to adapt his game.

It thus fell to another debutant from the Lower School,  Third Former Ronnie Hickling (Wa), to play out the decider at third seed; Ronnie won all three games in style, a considerable achievement for the youngest ever pupil to represent the Epsom 1st V.

WON 3-2