Students Enjoy Ski Trip to Unwind After Busy Start to the School Year | Epsom College
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Students Enjoy Ski Trip to Unwind After Busy Start to the School Year

Mr Rob Johnstone reviews the Senior Ski Trip at the start of the Christmas break.

The Epsom College Senior Ski Trip made a grand post-Covid comeback: new destination, new hotel, new adventures, same joy and passion for skiing as always. 48 pupils and six staff were blessed with five days of whizzing down Austrian mountain slopes, perfecting our skills under the guidance of our instructors, and I speak for everyone when I say that it was the best start to the Christmas break. Read on, but be warned: you’ll be signing up for the next trip before you know it!

Every large trip has its difficult moments, and we decided to get ours out of the way quickly, so we could enjoy the rest of the week. After meeting in the dead of night on 16 December, we made our way to Gatwick, only to find that our flight had been cancelled. Fortunately, we were able to be rebooked onto two flights the next day, and attempt number two went far smoother.

Everyone was itching to get out onto the freshly-packed pistes, and once the boots, skis, and snowboards were issued, the anticipation was almost too much to bear. That feeling of putting on your skis at the start of the season, gliding along your first slope as your legs remember the right rhythm and balance, while the snow spray from each turn sparkles in the sun, is nothing short of sublime.

Pupils and staff split into five groups, each led by a dedicated expert instructor. Their technique lessons, knowledge of the best routes, and clear passion for snowsports meant that everyone made a huge improvement and saw all the best parts of Hinterglemm and Saalbach. The enthusiasm with which pupils discussed every day over dinner, showing off photos of epic landscapes and videos of how they shredded the slopes, was a pleasure to see.

I would like to thank the pupils for their good humour, willingness to learn and excellent representation of Epsom College. Last, but by no means least, I want to thank my colleagues: Miss Berger-North, Miss Kelly, Mr Lewsey, Miss Tsvetana Myagkova and Mr Newton.