Teachers Run London Marathon For Charities Close to Their Hearts | Epsom College
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Teachers Run London Marathon For Charities Close to Their Hearts

Miss Rebecca Berger-North, Head of PE, and GAP student Jessica Haughey will run the London Marathon this weekend for two important charities.

The iconic London Marathon takes place this weekend and two members of Epsom College staff are running for causes very close to them and their families.

Miss Rebecca Berger-North, Head of PE, and GAP student Jessica Haughey are running in aid of Blood Cancer UK and Guide Dogs respectively. Below they explain the personal reasons why they chose these important causes.

Rebecca Berger-North

“This weekend I am running my first marathon. I am incredibly proud to be representing Blood Cancer UK in the London Marathon and will be running in tribute to my older brother, Jamie. My brother has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma three times, all before the age of 27. The first time during his A-levels, the second time seven years after that and most recently during Covid. Thankfully, he is now in remission and we are hopeful it is third time lucky.

“Blood Cancer UK is an amazing charity dedicated to funding research, supporting those affected, and raising awareness of different blood cancers. Many of the breakthroughs they have funded have also helped lead to improvements in treatments for people with other types of cancer.

“I would be so grateful for any donation in support of the important work this charity does towards finding a cure for blood cancers like lymphoma. In turn, I hope I am able to do you all proud with my 26.2 miles through the streets of London! I have already received lots of donations from my College colleagues and the support means so much to me.”

Donate to Becky’s fundraising here – Becky Berger-North is fundraising for Blood Cancer UK (justgiving.com)

Jessica Haughey 

“This year I really wanted to set myself a challenge. For anyone that knows me, they will know just how much I absolutely adore dogs. I am therefore so excited to say that this year I will be running the London Marathon for Guide Dogs UK and their goal to provide life-changing support and trained dogs for those who are visually impaired.

“In 2021, I unfortunately lost my gorgeous golden labrador Barley, who was ever-present in my life as I was growing up. I experienced how much love and support she provided to me over the years and can only imagine the bond that guide dogs form with their owners. I would love to be able to play a small part in creating that amount of joy and life-changing support for someone else.

“Guide Dogs UK gave me the challenge of raising £2,000 for their amazing charity. All the money I raise will go towards training guide dogs, providing necessary support and equipment, and above all improving the lives of those with vision impairment and sight loss.

“I would be so grateful for any donations, no matter how big or small!”

Donate to Jessica’s fundraising here – Guide Dogs: Jessica Haughey (enthuse.com)