The Launch of Whisper | Epsom College
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The Launch of Whisper

Whisper – an anonymous reporting tool – has been launched to all pupils this week. The platform allows pupils to report anonymously any safeguarding concerns they have, either for themselves or their peers.

Pupils can use Whisper to report concerns related to:

  • bullying – that is affecting them personally, or may be affecting other pupils
  • a pupil’s welfare
  • concerns about inappropriate behaviour
  • changes or improvements to the school’s processes and procedures

The platform allows pupils to report anonymously a problem or concern, in school or at home, to a member of staff.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that young people find it difficult to raise concerns face-to-face, especially to people who occupy a position of authority. Whisper empowers pupils to report in confidence and anonymously, safe in the knowledge that trained staff are available, reading all messages and ready to provide guidance and support.

Marisa Bosa, Assistant Head: Designated Safeguarding Lead, said: “Nothing is more important than the welfare and wellbeing of our pupils. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the ways in which we can help keep young people safe. Making it easier to report concerns is vital – giving children the means to speak up, in confidence, is hugely empowering and has been shown to positively impact the whole community, as they feel confident that the school is ready to listen, believe and take action should concerns come to light.”